To really change the mental health game for young people, we need to kick start change earlier on in life.
Many people are surprised to learn that in Australia, 99% of mental health funding goes towards crisis and intervention. But only 1% of funding goes towards preventing it happening in the first place.
This is the core of our work at The Reach Foundation: Preventative mental health programs.
We run social and emotional wellbeing workshops with young people, giving them the skills to navigate life’s challenges and thrive.
By donating to the Round for Reach, you’re kick starting change and helping change the mental health game for young people early on in life.
Thank you for helping us move the dial on the mental health crisis in Australia.
why reach is so important
why young people
The Reach Foundation is a not-for-profit, for-purpose organisation dedicated to shaping generations of confident, self-aware and passionate young people. We believe in the power and potential of all young people and we've been helping develop emotional intelligence and stronger mental health for nearly 30 years.
Unlocking the power of young people
Through engaging and transformative youth-led workshops, Reach helps build social, emotional and resilience skills among young people so they can navigate life’s challenges and thrive.
Reach workshops are 100% led, designed and delivered by young people, for young people. By investing in young facilitators with support from a team of accredited psychological professionals, Reach successfully delivers safe, relatable and effective experiences with ongoing impact.
- peter just donated $52.75
- Luke just donated $11.60
- Sophie just donated $501
- Sandra just donated $52.75
- Geoffrey just donated $52.75
- Skye just donated $28.48
- Claire just donated $52.75
- Kate just donated $28.48
- Paul just donated $52.75
- Carolyn just donated $28.48
- Dean just donated $52.75
- Jo just donated $105.50
- Tim just donated $52.75
- Warren just donated $28.48
- Suzanne just donated $50
- John just donated $105.50
- Edwina just donated $10.55
- Rebecca just donated $52.75
- Steph just donated $1.05
- Steph just donated $1.05
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